Hello, I’m Lisa Pember, a creative thinker and wordsmith with a strategic brain and a shed-load of marketing and fundraising experience.
Clients value my ability to ‘tease out the shiny essence of a story’ and deliver work that moves, motivates, clarifies, entertains, builds brand loyalty or brings in donations – whatever it is that’s required.
I’m also well-connected to some really great people, which means I can broker useful introductions or assemble a team for larger projects if that’s what you need.
I tend to ask a lot of questions, so let’s start with how can I help?
About Lisa
I started out in this industry back in 1995. Kate Moss and Johnny Depp were still together, Shaggy and East 17 topped the charts and a little direct marketing agency called DMP took a punt on a would-be Trainee Copywriter whose response to the copy test was odd but potentially promising.