Doherty Associates; rebrand
Key thought:
‘In a (blue) world of ‘stack it high’ IT solutions, let’s have the courage to showcase our strengths as approachable humans’
Having identified that the client’s brand identity had gone awry (and sometimes AWOL), I was asked to undertake a thorough ‘where we are now’ review, which informed the brief to branding expert, Les Welch at Wild Tuesday. I worked closely with Les and Doherty Associates on the new positioning, the Mission, Vision, and Values, and the new brand and tone of voice guidelines, as well devising the structure and navigation for the new website and teasing out the information for – and then writing – every page. It was therefore particularly gratifying when the client fed back that the website has become ‘a powerful brand touchpoint and business tool that has resulted in direct sales – with both users and partners commenting on how good it is.’
Assets created:
New brand identity and guidelines, co-created with Les Welch at Wild Tuesday. Plus new Mission and Vision statements, and website navigation and copy.
In terms of ‘the brand in action’, I have also written case studies, social media posts, emails, a successful award application, articles, reports, and presentations – much of this with invaluable input and support from Click Creative